Sunday, November 1, 2009

Obesity in America

America faces many problems today. One of the biggest problems is obesity. Every day there are more overweight and obese people in the United States. In the past two decades child obesity has tripled. Children have been thaught bad eating habits. They are surrounded by a high-calorie junk food society. United States is one of the countries that consumes the most fast food. Therefore, we are also the numbre one obese country. There are over fifty-eight million people in America who are either overweight. Forty million are obese, and three million are mobirly obese. People are being used to buying procesed food, which is unhealthy. Most of these food have high numbers of calories, soduim, sugars, and fat. Americans also have the bad habits of eating in front of the television or when they are bored. Many people confuse hunger with boredom, and they also confuse being thirsty with hunger. Restaurants put the air conditioner low because people eat more when they are cold.

You can change this by eating healthier. You have to have a healthy diet. Do not eat fast food. Take your lunch to work instead of buying fast food. Drink water instead of soda or energy drinks. If you can buy organic food, which does not contains chemicals. Eat more than three times a day, but make them small meals, instead of having three big meals that your body won't be able to burn all those calories at once. Change your big plates for smaller plates so you won't eat big portions. Eat fruits and vegetables daily. They not only have low numbres in calories, but they also have antioxidants that will make you look younger. Do not eat butter, mayo, ranch, penut butter, and all those dressings that have really high calories and fat. You also have to exercise.

Most people tell you just to walk for twenty minutes everyday or just exercise three times a week. That is good only if you plan on maintaining your weight. If you want to loose weight you have to exercise everyday from one hour to ninety minutes a day. You have to burn more calories than you consume. Do cardio. Rsistance alone won't make you loose weight, so you won't see results unless you do cardio. But you do have to have resistance because it will make your metabolism faster, and it keeps burning calories even after you work out. When you do cardio do intervals. Intervals make you loose weight faster.

Obesity in America

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Types of Euthanasia

Euthanasia is the ending of a life through medical procedures. There are four types of Euthanasia.
First, there is Passive Euthanasia. Duting this process the life of the patient is ended by taking away the life support system. This too can be done by taking away the treatment the patinet is going through. In this process there is nothing really done to end the life; the doctor is just not taking care of the patient anymore.
Then there is Active, where something has to be done. In this process, the patient is given a shot of poison. Usually is an overdose of pain killers or sleeping pills.
There is also Voluntary Euthanasia. This means that the patient asks for help to the doctor to end his or her life. The patient is requesting the termination of his or her life.
In contrast to that, there is Involuntary Euthanasia. Here, the patient does not decide if his or her life is taken away. Their life is taken away without his or her consent. This is usually done when the patient has brain death and can't talk, speak, see, or move anymore.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide 2

Euthanasia should be legal in the U.S. Physician-Assisted suicide is only legal in Oregon and Washington. I know that some people think it shoul not be legal. Some see it as murder. I do not see it as murder. I see it as an end to suffering. If it does become legal, there should be restrictions, just like any other law. It should be done only when it is confirmed that the patient is going to die. When the ill person has a small percentage of survival. When brain death happens, there is barely anything than you can do to make the person survive and become healthy again. There also should be a small period of time before Euthanasua is done to give the patient a chance to recover, but if the patient's health only worsens then Euthanasia should be done. Same with Physician-Assisted Suicide. It should only be done when the patient has a sickeness that will end their lives very soon. Why would you want your family member or love one to go through all that pain and suffering when you know they won't make it? Yes, it is a difficult decision because deep inside of you you have hope they will make it through, but you have to be realistic and strong. Americans should have a choice to wether or not you want Euthanasia or Physician-Assisted Suicide to be done. No one forces them to be done. If you do not want it for your loved one, then just say "no, I would not want it to be done on my loved one." If you are worried that it might be used as murder on your family member, you know you have the option to just say no.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ethunasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide 1

Euthanasia is ending in purpose the life of someone else without his or her opinion. It usually done when very ill patients are about to die. Doctors ask the patient's family members if they want Euthanasia as an option. Physician-Assisted Suicide is an ill person asking a doctor to help him or her end its own life. The reason for both is to stop the suffering of the patient. Some people see it as murder. Those people believe it is God decision to end their lives, not another person. I believe, like others do, that it should be legal because it stops the patient from being in pain and hurting. Also, medical care nowadays is very expensive. Somepeople don't have the money to buy all the medicine they need, and they can be in too much pain and suffering. Euthanasia is usually done when the patient has brain death. They can't talk anymore, but they can feel the pain. I also believe people should have the right to "commit suicide." A reason for Physician-Assisted Suicide is no one should have to be forced to stay alive. It is not legal in the U.S. but in the states of Washington and Oregon.