Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Types of Euthanasia

Euthanasia is the ending of a life through medical procedures. There are four types of Euthanasia.
First, there is Passive Euthanasia. Duting this process the life of the patient is ended by taking away the life support system. This too can be done by taking away the treatment the patinet is going through. In this process there is nothing really done to end the life; the doctor is just not taking care of the patient anymore.
Then there is Active, where something has to be done. In this process, the patient is given a shot of poison. Usually is an overdose of pain killers or sleeping pills.
There is also Voluntary Euthanasia. This means that the patient asks for help to the doctor to end his or her life. The patient is requesting the termination of his or her life.
In contrast to that, there is Involuntary Euthanasia. Here, the patient does not decide if his or her life is taken away. Their life is taken away without his or her consent. This is usually done when the patient has brain death and can't talk, speak, see, or move anymore.

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