Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide 2

Euthanasia should be legal in the U.S. Physician-Assisted suicide is only legal in Oregon and Washington. I know that some people think it shoul not be legal. Some see it as murder. I do not see it as murder. I see it as an end to suffering. If it does become legal, there should be restrictions, just like any other law. It should be done only when it is confirmed that the patient is going to die. When the ill person has a small percentage of survival. When brain death happens, there is barely anything than you can do to make the person survive and become healthy again. There also should be a small period of time before Euthanasua is done to give the patient a chance to recover, but if the patient's health only worsens then Euthanasia should be done. Same with Physician-Assisted Suicide. It should only be done when the patient has a sickeness that will end their lives very soon. Why would you want your family member or love one to go through all that pain and suffering when you know they won't make it? Yes, it is a difficult decision because deep inside of you you have hope they will make it through, but you have to be realistic and strong. Americans should have a choice to wether or not you want Euthanasia or Physician-Assisted Suicide to be done. No one forces them to be done. If you do not want it for your loved one, then just say "no, I would not want it to be done on my loved one." If you are worried that it might be used as murder on your family member, you know you have the option to just say no.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you may be oversimplifying the argument in your attempts to solve this problem. Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide are two very different ideas. I concur that people may in extreme cases have some sort of right to end their lives, but it should never be up to family members to pull the plug unless that right has been explicitly granted to the family through a living will. Furthermore, it is not the duty of the federal government to make these issues legal or illegal. Rather I think that those states that want to follow the paths of Oregon and Washington may do so as their citizens and elected officials so desire. In the meantime, anyone who wishes to live out their days with the option of ending their lives early can move to Washington and Oregon and live to their heart's content.
